Our lunch on Friday was probably the wildest of the week! We me the old neighbors for lunch...where else, but Chick-fil-a. MV and JB were so happy to see the Huntons and Stoffregens - they had been talking about it all week and have not stopped since! The kids were so happy to be together again and it was just as wild and crazy as always!
I was also able to spend some quality time with Allison and Caroline in the hospital. We were able to catch up, Craig got to spend some time with Ella, and Elaine got a well deserved break! (Thank you mom and dad for keeping the kids so that I could stay with Allison.) It has also been fun playing in "Youngblood Park". I am grateful that Craig and Allison have felt like having visitors since they have been home, especially adding two more kids to the mix - we have had lots of energy to burn in the backyard!
Sunday, we were able to go back to church and see all of our friend there! You really don't realize how lucky you are until things are gone! I have missed our Sunday school class, our friends, and Dr. Furr...really the whole church! It was so nice to be able to go back, even if it was just for a visit. The fun didn't stop at church, we also had another birthday to celebrate! Happy Birthday, John Robin! We loved seeing batman and playing at the pool to help celebrate!
As you can tell, JB wasn't too sure about batman!
We are heading back to Cajun Country, Bandit is getting ready to make his Louisiana debut and mom and dad are coming with us for a visit. I can't wait to fill you in on our adventures next week - and to introduce mom and dad to all that Baton Rouge has to offer! Just a hint...we are thinking that we are going to pay Mike the Tiger a visit - of course, we will be decked out in our Auburn gear!