Week 14: This has been a fun week followed by an amazing weekend! We started the week with our first school fundraiser....Hat Day! I like these kind of fundraisers where all I have to do is send $1! The kids were so excited, they could bring $1 and wear any hat they wanted...of course, Mary Virginia sported the pink Auburn hat! I think the hat rounds out the uniform perfectly.
John Bay also had an exciting week. He started a new school! We were having a few issues trying to make it to our original new school on time, so after a desperate call to our church, they were kind enough to squeeze John Bay into their program. He is loving it! He walked right in the first day, we had a few tears, but overall he did wonderful! We miss our friends at Vestavia Day School, but this is a nice alternative, and the teachers are so sweet!
First Day of School
Sporting his new backpack and very proud of it!

Sporting his new backpack and very proud of it!
Now for the fun! We made the long journey home through Tropical Storm Lee, but once we got there, oh the fun we had! We had a great welcome dinner on Friday night with all of the grandparents. On Saturday morning, the Youngbloods came down to play with us for the weekend! It was so good to see them, you don't realize how much you miss your friends and family until you can't see them anytime you want to! We had a fun day of tubing and swimming on the lake and of course, many boat rides!
MV and Jaja playing on the boat! (Scary how much that looks like me and dad)

It is like looking back in time...
Sunday, we started to experience the Tropical Storm and the rain, but we still had fun! Who wouldn't have fun with 8 adults, 4 kids (3 running around and 1 newborn), and a dog all stuck in the house! We played around the house, told stories, and watched movies! When the rain finally let up, the kids were able to play in the pool!
Love it! Funny how our blogs say the same thing! We had a fabulous weekend! Love y'all!