Week 19: This has been your typical school week - school, homework, and playing with friends...but we ended the week with a PERFECT weekend. The kids were out of school on Friday for the Parish Fair...so we packed up the car and headed to the beach to celebrate birthdays with our friends from home! We were all so excited! We got in late on Thursday night and Ella had gone to bed...so this is first thing Friday morning...
Ella came up for breakfast!
And then we went for a swim in the pool, actually Ed and the kids went for a swim...

The kids were worn out after a fun morning at the pool. We tried for a little time on the beach, but the wind did us in! We topped off the day with a fun dinner at Fisherman's Corner. YUM! The kids had fun sitting on the porch listening to the piano man play "Under the Sea".
And then we did it all over again on Saturday! This time, we added more friends to the mix! The Huntons came down early Saturday morning. The wind was blowing and the sand was hitting us all in the face, but still we had fun!

This was a wonderful way to start our birthday season! We had a blast, we were just sorry to see the weekend come to an end. We love all of our friends and family and can't wait to see them all soon!
It was such a great trip! I loved seeing y'all and getting to celebrate the kids birthdays! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Love you!