It's Christmas!
This was such a fun year to celebrate with the kids. Of course, Mary Virginia understood the whole concept, but John Bay was getting the hang of it too! It was fun to watch MV explain everything to JB even if he did understand! We did things a little differently this year. Instead of the candy in the advent calendar in years past, I put notes with all sorts of activities. Some days it was simply to watch a Christmas movie with popcorn and hot cocoa, other days it was to bake cookies and take them to the Fire Department, or go looking at Christmas lights and even have a marshmallow eating contest. Most importantly, it was a chance for us to spend more time together doing fun activities and making the most of the season! I also realized how many Christmas books we had, and thanks to Pinterest, I used one idea to wrap all of the books. We opened a book a day and sat down together to read - another chance to be together and enjoy our time together. The kids looked forward to choosing a book each day! I had way too many ideas to try this year - I have to make sure to keep a file for next Christmas!
(John Bay didn't want to pose for any pictures with us...just with MV)
We did Christmas a little differently this year - since it fell on a Sunday. When the kids woke up, we did Santa and stockings...(and then it was off to church)
John Bay chose one gift and only wanted to play with it (same as always). This year it was the batman cave!
Mary Virginia was teaching Ed to play Barbies.
Now they are getting the hang of things. Who is going to clean up this mess?
After a morning of Santa and stockings, we went to church and then home for more gifts and Christmas dinner.
(This is JB opening his Lightning McQueen - that was wrapped in a zip lock box...his response to the box "Oh, that's good." He was not impressed by the wrapping job and was ready for a real toy!)
(Ed celebrating with his redneck wine glass.)
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