Week 63: We had such an exciting week! We started out the week with Open House at Mary Virginia's school. Meeting the teacher went well and she was so excited to see that some of her friends from last year were going to be in her class this year! Open House made her excited to start school! When I asked the kids about what they wanted to do for their last day of summer, they both decided that they wanted to hang out around the house and have one last day of relaxation - the crazy schedule of school and activities was about to begin!
On Thursday, MV had her first day of 1st grade! I can't believe how much she is growing up. She was so excited, she is no longer one of the babies at the school, she is one of the big kids!
John Bay was sad to see Mary Virginia go to school - he wasn't going to have his buddy around to play with!
We had another big change to deal with, I went back to work, teaching.
John Bay and I only had one day off before I had to go back for meetings! Now that we are getting back in a routine, we are all loving it!
We had a big weekend planned, I had a baby shower for one of my good friends on Friday. We had a delicious dinner out and some much needed girl time to celebrate!
Ed and I had another surprise for the kids on Friday when MV got out of school, Gigi and Jaja made a trip to Louisiana! I don't know how we did it, but we kept their visit a secret...such as great surprise for the kids!
Saturday, we headed down to New Orleans for an early anniversary celebration for us and a late celebration for mom & dad. We had brunch at Court of Two Sisters, one of my favorites!

Then we headed over to The Insectarium! This is a must see for anyone taking a trip to New Orleans! I wasn't too sure about it before we went, but we had so much fun! The kids loved seeing the bugs and all of the displays were interactive. I think that our favorite part of the tour was the movie. It was also interactive. In the theater, there was wind, water, moving chairs and we were even able to smell a stink bug. Yuck!
One of the most hated bugs this time of year - the Love Bug!
Looking up into the alligator exhibit.
It seems like everywhere we go, we find an alligator!
In the Butterfly Exhibit
We attempted a trip to Cafe Du Monde for beignets, but the line was insane. It may have had something to do with the Red Dress Run that took place that morning. Try explaining to your kids why men were walking around wearing skin tight red dresses (especially since I wasn't too sure myself). John Bay kept telling me, "mommy, boys aren't supposed to wear dresses." My only response to him was "I know." Poor things - they had a little culture shock!
Then it was time for a little tourist shopping trip!
MV and Gigi tried on masks...
...and JB played with another gator!
And then it was time for a break...JB didn't quite make it.
Overall, an amazing weekend! We hated to see Gigi and Jaja leave! We can't wait to see everyone in a few weeks.
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