Week 25: This was a week of celebrating Thanksgiving (even if it was the week before)! We had a fun week of talking about pilgrims, Indians, and turkey! The kids each took a treat to their class to celebrate! I let them both pick out the treat that they wanted me to fix for their class. This was Mary Virginia's choice for her class! (My secret confession is that I raided all of the Halloween candy to pull together the pieces for both of the treats!) It was such a fun way to make a turkey! I can't wait to do this again next year!
This was John Bay's choice. His was a little bit easier, but again I raided the Halloween candy. He was signed up to bring desserts for his Thanksgiving feast - I wasn't sure how this would go over, but the class loved it! There is nothing better than slice and bake cookies, m&m's and icing!
Ok, enough about the food....It was another normal week in Louisiana with the exception of Thanksgiving Feasts. We were not invited to celebrate with John Bay's class...they didn't want the kids upset when it was time for the parents to leave. We did get to go to the feast at Mary Virginia's school. The kids were so cute and they dressed up like pilgrims and Indians!
What a fun week of teaching the kids the meaning of giving thanks. We cannot wait to see all of our family next week. We are packing up and heading back to Alabama for fun with family and LOTS of good food!

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