Week 23: Sorry for the delayed post....I got Halloween up and then forgot about the rest of the week! Once we finished all of the Halloween festivities, we switched gears to get ready for JB and Ashley's wedding! Ed and John Bay headed to Birmingham early Friday morning so that they could take Balba out to lunch to celebrate his birthday. Mary Virginia and I made our way to Birmingham by airplane! I love the fact that I didn't have to drive the 6 plus hours, but to quote Mary Virginia as we were sitting in the Charlotte Airport..."mom, it is dark and past bedtime, we could have been there if we had just driven." She was so excited to take her first flight, but by the time we got to Birmingham, she was over it! It will be a long time before she wants to fly again! We ran into a little trouble leaving Louisiana! Which I have since learned not to take the 6:30 Friday night Delta flight...it is usually delayed or canceled. Ours was delayed enough to make us miss our connector - along with everyone else on the flight - so we were rerouted to another airline, which meant we were Charlotte bound! MV was in good spirits the whole time, but the plane from Charlotte was full of Alabama and LSU fans which made for an interesting flight with a 6 year old! Most of the fans were well behaved and got a long surprisingly well...except for that one man in the back of the plane...

We had a great time visiting with friends and family in Birmingham and the wedding was amazing! My friend Becky did the flowers and they were beautiful (almost as pretty as the ones she did for our wedding)! The reception was held at a place that I have never heard of, Old Car Heaven. Check it out if you get a chance. I hope we have the chance to go back there sometime and actually look around - I would love to take my dad to look at all of the restored cars! The trip was way too quick - but we had fun visiting! I can't wait to be home again in a few weeks!
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