Week 44: I have split up our trip home because it fell over two weeks...so keep checking back for the second part of the week!
The week went on as usual with school and Girl Scouts! The kids and I spent most of the week getting ready for our trip home for Spring Break! We did have a surprise on Monday night...Mary Virginia had a tooth that was just barely hanging on and after trying to eat an apple and lots of wiggling - she wiggled her front tooth right out!
Both kids had fun getting ready for their Easter parties and egg hunts! John Bay wanted to take cupcakes - we had fun making cupcakes with green grass icing and jellybeans eggs! His school had a pizza party and the kids got lots of fun Easter goodies! Mary Virginia decided that she wanted peeps and rice krispy treats (thanks Pinterest). MV's school had and egg hunt and ice cream sundaes! We skipped horseback this week - there was just too much going on with trying to get ready to head to Birmingham! I was able to have a Girl's Night Out before we left with some of the B & G wives - somewhat of a baby shower dinner for one of the wives. Ed and the kids were so sweet for letting me go have a fun night out!

Saturday, we hit the road to Alabama! We had an easy trip - this was my first road trip home without Ed...just me, the kids, and Bandit! Everyone was excited throughout the trip, but especially when we got off the interstate and headed toward Gigi and Jaja's (my mom and dad) - kids were screaming and giggling and telling me to speed up and Bandit was crying to get out! It is always fun to come home!
Sunday was Palm Sunday. MV was so happy to get to see all of her friends and to carry the palm branches into church! Sunday started the whirlwind trip home...after church, Mimi and Balba (Ed's parents) came to see us and have lunch.
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