After a busy weekend, we tried to take it slow on Monday - we relaxed and played! The kids and I did a little shopping and then it was off to the dentist! (We try to get all of our appointments taken care of while we are home!) Mary Virginia loves the dentist - she couldn't wait to show Dr. Morgan all of the teeth she has lost and which ones were coming out next! John Bay was a different story....he started out so good - he was watching MV and doing what she did and then they brushed one tooth and he flipped out! Dr. Morgan had to bride him just to look at his teeth. Overall, it was a successful trip to the dentist, but we were all happy to have that over with! Then it was off to dinner with the Stoffregens! It was so good to see them and catch up - the kids have really missed their friends - they have all grown up so much, I am just glad they could pick up right where we left off)!

Mary Virginia was playing the drums and Caroline started dancing in her stroller! She was loving the music!
After the elephant excitement and lots of "cats", it was time for a cookie break!
Tuesday night we celebrated Mimi and Jaja's birthdays at The Club. It is always such a nice way to end the day - great food and an amazing view! Of course, after the long day at the zoo, John Bay fell asleep in the car - he was not happy about waking up, but this seemed to cheer him up!
Mary Virginia loved looking out over Birmingham and running around the fountain!
Then it was time for dinner...YUMMY! The company and meal were wonderful as always. The kids especially loved the special chocolate milk that our waiter brought them, I think it was straight chocolate with a shot of milk!
Wednesday was a relaxing day (Ha!) - we worked on packing, getting haircuts, a visit to our old school, lunch with Gigi & Jaja, dying eggs with Mimi, and dinner with the Huntons! Both kids have certain people that they will let "touch" their hair and of course, only people in Birmingham will do! Haircuts are always a "fun" experience with John Bay - you have to bride him A LOT! Lunch at Zoe's was delicious as always - yummy food, a gorgeous day to eat outside, and fun with the grandparents! The kids loved dying Easter eggs with Mimi - and I love that Mimi loves dying eggs with them. I think that I am way too much of a control freak to have fun dying eggs - I like for the eggs to look a certain way and the colors to be bright and cheerful. The kids get excited just putting the eggs in the colors. I am really going to have to work on the control freak issue! Dinner with the Huntons was fun as always. Who doesn't love Mexican and a restaurant where the kids can be loud and act like kids - and not cause a scene! Allison and I topped the night off with a trip to the movies! It was a fun-filled day, a great way to end our visit home!
After writing this, I realized that all of our visits revolve around food...we have found that it is the best way to catch up with friends that we miss so dearly (and we all have to eat...)!
Thursday, it was time to head back to Louisiana! The trip was great except for the rain! It was nice to have my mom and dad drive back with us to celebrate Easter!
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