Week 52: Memorial Day weekend...here we come! To get ready for an exciting weekend at the lake, we needed to recover from being at the beach! MV had her last Girl Scout meeting as a kindergartner. She had to present her pet project. Now, most of you know that we (I) know a lot of things about animals and have had many pets (and worked for a vet), but my precious child chose a hamster has her pet project. This is the one animal that I could not tell you a thing about taking care of, so we headed to Pet Smart! This is one of John Bay's favorite stores, he loves to go see all of the animals! The manager at the store was amazing, he answered all of our questions so that we could do the perfect pet project! MV was a champ and she learned all of the fact and gave an amazing presentation - who would have thought that at age 6 you would have to stand up and give a speech!
We kept up with our Alphabet Activities...it was B-Day! We made B's (bees), made bubble art, blew up balloons with baking soda and vinegar, and had a water Balloon fight! I was impressed with how into the water balloons the kids were...we will have to do it again (soon)! (We have to have something to keep to beat this Louisiana heat.)
Friday we got up early and headed to the lake! In my opinion, there is no better way to spend the weekend - relaxing at the lake, yummy food, riding in the boat and enjoying time with friends and family! Thank goodness we got up early on Friday, we were able to let the kids swim and then head to Niffers for dinner with both families. It is one of our favorite traditions for our lake visits! The food is delicious and the kids love the Balloon Man!
Saturday we looked forward to a full day of fun in the sun and playing on the lake! We were tubing and swimming all morning - at least until the water started to get a little rough.

After a mid-day boat ride and lunch, we headed over to Gigi and Jaja's for a swim in pool and to visit with them and Nancy for a little while! We were able to wear out the kids in the pool and have a snack before we headed back to the Whatleys for more swimming and fun on the boat!
The kids are trying to get the hang of the kayak!
On Sunday, MV, Ed, and Mimi headed to church to watch our friend's baby be baptized in the lake. The rest of us waited at the house for the Youngbloods to arrive!
Once the Youngbloods got there, it was time to hit the water again (and the tube).
After a wild and rough ride, the girls took a break and let JB ride with Ed!
We had a fun afternoon visiting and catching up...
...and swimming! They even got the moms on the tube...Allison and I thought we were going to die out there! I couldn't let go long enough to tell them to slow down! Ed's cousin pulled him on the tube and I think he only lasted for a couple minutes, if that, before he fell in and lost his sunglasses.
We needed a late afternoon snack of watermelon (and a seed spitting contest)!
It is always hard to leave the lake, but this weekend held a special memory...
This weekend marks our one year anniversary - it was one year ago that we packed up, headed to the lake or a fun weekend and then moved to Louisiana! I can't believe it has been a year.
We can't wait to head back to the lake and see our families again!
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