Week 53: Summer Fun! We are getting the hang of summer...the kids are still working on their alphabet weeks and we are so excited to have lots of projects to work on.
During the first part of the week, we had C-Day! We made button caterpillars with pipe cleaners and buttons, had a science experiment with celery and food coloring, made soap clouds out of ivory soap, and caterpillar kabobs! The button caterpillars were a little difficult for John Bay, but he had fun and they are still playing with their caterpillar creations! We loved watching the celery change colors - they thought the green food coloring was the most fun because of how unusually green it made the celery. Besides the yummy caterpillar kabobs with grapes and chocolate chips, the kids loved making the soap clouds best! They wanted to do it over and over - who doesn't love putting soap in the microwave and making it GROW!
We also laid on the trampoline and played Crack the Egg! Mary Virginia and I played another game (John Bay wasn't interested) - we watched the clouds and figured out their shapes!
And then it was time for our last C-day activity, a color scavenger hunt! This was one of the most fun outside activities we have done! We made a chart with circles of all the colors and then we road bikes around the neighborhood trying to find all of the colors! It was a hot Louisiana day, but we had a blast and got some exercise!
In typical Louisiana fashion, we had a tornado warning! So, we grabbed our pillows, our projects, snacks, and the dogs and we hunkered down in the bathroom! It wasn't too bad and of course, we made it fun! The kids are still getting used to not having a basement for when we have storms and they are still working on understanding tornadoes!

Once we were out of our tornado shelter - it was time for D-Day! With the weather situation, we had an abbreviated D-Day...we made Dinosaur Eggs, played with Dinosaur Capsules, and made Dinosaur Nests for a snack. The kids had fun making the dinosaur eggs - it was like making pinatas - the kids especially liked popping the balloons once all the glue dried! The dinosaur nests were yummy as is anything with chocolate and popcorn! The kids were amazed watching the dinosaur magic capsules grow and then making a dinosaur scene with their creatures! (We missed out on our Shape Detective Scavenger Hunt, but maybe we can make that up when the weather is better around here!)
Friday brought beautiful weather and some time at the barn for horseback lessons. MV is getting better and better with her riding and all of her preparations. She has a new riding instructor, Arial, who has made it clear that MV needs to be doing all of the grooming and prep work for her lessons...and as soon as she is able to do it alone, she can come early to get her horse ready so that she has the full hour to ride! She is so excited and working so hard! Here is a little clip of her at work!
Saturday, JB and Ed had a "man day", they went to Home Depot for wood for our new fence and then to Bass Pro for some new crocs! What little boy doesn't want some Real Tree Crocs!
Mary Virginia and I went to her End of the Year Girl Scout Party! They had a few bounce houses and the girls all had so much fun! We have had a great time getting to know the girls and their families and we can't wait until next year for more fun with Girl Scouts!
I am not sure what next week may bring, but I can only hope that we have as much fun playing and enjoying the summer as we had this week!
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